Kindergarten to grade 7

We strive to support the entire family with a variety of programming and character based curriculum.

Our program teachers ensure that

The School Age Program engages youth in educational, physical and imaginative activities that encourage them to explore who they are and what they can achieve.  
Supplementing what they have learned in school, they participate in interactive learning models that engage critical thinking skills, get assistance with their homework, have a chance to socialize with school friends, and form long-lasting friendships that enhance their development, growth and self-confidence.

How We Achieve It

  • Provide children and youth with a safe, secure and supportive environment that gives families peace of mind when they can't be there themselves.

  • Provide that children and youth exposed to consistent displays of positive character traits which will help develop a healthy self-esteem and a willingness to help others.
  • We know that a child’s experience is dependent on family life and community life – Cedar Grove strives to support the entire family with a variety of programming and character based curriculum.

  • Offer activities that strengthen, expand and provide real life context to information learned in the classroom that will lead to successful youth prepared for life.

Program Features

  • School drop off and pick-up at Lena Shaw Elementary
  • Hot lunch and snacks (during all school breaks)
  • Gymnasium and playground play
  • Field trips
  • Family events (Easter, Summer and Christmas)
  • Birthday celebrations
  • Day camps (summer break)
To learn more about this program or schedule a tour, call our office at (604) 584-2311 Ext. 233 or email us