3 - 5 years

Play enables us to achieve the key goals of our early childhood curriculum.

Our program teachers ensure that children

The Cedar Grove Childcare 3 to 5 Program curriculum, combines basic math, language and literacy with kindergarten-readiness activities that are based on the best early-childhood standards in British Columbia.  

Young children learn best by doing – you know that and so do we!  Learning isn’t just repeating what someone else says; it requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work and to learn firsthand about the world in which we live.  Play provides the foundation of academic or “school” learning.  Play enables us to achieve the key goals of our early childhood curriculum.

How We Achieve It

At this age, children require challenge, respond to motivation and need praise.  Recognizing that your child’s needs to be engaged and nurtured at the same time, our highly trained teachers give them both the freedom and instruction to thrive.  

Our curriculum identifies goals in all areas of development:
Social: To help children feel comfortable in a school like environment, trust their new environment, make friends and feel they are a part of the group.
Emotional: To help children experience self-confidence, develop independence and self-control and have a positive attitude.
Cognitive: To help children become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas and experience success, and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions and use words to describe their ideas, observations and feelings.
Physical: To help children increase their large and small motor skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do.

Program Features

  • Hot lunch and snacks
  • Gymnasium and playground play
  • Art activity every day
  • Field trips
  • Family events (Easter, Summer and Christmas)
  • Birthday celebrations
To learn more about this program or schedule a tour, call our office at (604) 584-2311 Ext. 233 or email us